Freitag, 9. August 2013


Today was orientation day in Chulalongkorn university!
It was just so amazing, all these buildings so different! The there are faculties for everything! And you can buy food and drinks all over and on fridays there is a market just right in the middle of the campus! And the people are sooo nice and caring! Everyone is trying to help you =)
All of us got a buddy, a thai student who is helping you and shows you around and thats so great! I learned that every thai person has a nickname because their names are long and complicated or just because they have one and everyone calls them just by their nicknames. So it was great to have you as buddy nutch!
And there are bus lines that drive you around the university for free and a shop for the uniform and the most beautiful buildings and parks and statues...........
And if you wear the uniform you can patch winnie pooh and mickey mouse and stuff on it like fashion accessoires together with the great looking silver accessoires that have to be on it.
Oh and I have class tuesday from 9 am to 1 pm wednesday from 8 am to 1 pm and thursday from 8 am to 4 pm which is great too ;)
It was so much for one day but so amazing!
I'm wearing the long skirts but there are short ones too

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